QUORUM: Commissioners representing a majority of total voting power constitute a quorum for doing business other than as provided in sub-sections (b) and (c) below and, other than for the purposes of sub–sections (b) and (c) below a majority vote of commissioners constituting a quorum shall constitute the action of the Joint Board.
AGREEMENT AMENDMENT: This agreement may be amended only by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all commissioners representing member municipalities.
Amendment admitting additional municipal membersfor fire protection shall require the consent of allexisting member municipalities currently utilizing thefire protection services of the District.
Amendment admitting additional municipal members for ambulance service services shall require theconsent of all existing member municipalities currentlyutilizing the ambulance services of the District.
CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $50,000 OR MORE: Capital expenditures in the amount of $50,000 or more may be authorized only by the vote of two-thirds of all commissioners constituting the Joint Board.