BFCESD PO Box 417, Birchwood, WI 54817


Jon Sleik-Town of Birchwood-Present, Tony Wolf-Town of Cedar Lake-Present, Timothy  Stearns-Town of Doyle-Present, Bill Zimmer-Town of Edgewater-Present, Mick Givens-Town of Long Lake-Present, Cindy Fairchild-Town of Wilson-Present, John Depoister-Village of Birchwood-Present


Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services District will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, August 13, 2020 at 6:30 PM, Birchwood School Commons


  1. Roll Call
  2. Tim Stearns made a motion to approve the July 9, 2020 Meeting Minutes, 2nd by Mick Givens, Carried- 7-0
  3. Public Input-Linda Zillmer would like to have the audit report put on Cedar Lake’s website so the public can see.
  4. Presentation of 2019 audit
    Tim Stearns made a motion to approve the 2019 audit as presented, 2nd by Mick Givens, carried— 7-0
  5. Fire Department Report, See attached reports
    Tim Stearns made a motion to approve the Fire Dept. 2021 Budget as presented, 2nd by Mick Givens,
    Jon Sleik Town of Birchwood-Yea, Tony Wolf Town of Cedar Lake-Yea, Tim Stearns Town of Doyle-Yea, Bill Zimmer Town of Edgewater-Yea, Mick Givens Town of Long Lake-Yea, Cindy Fairchild Town of Wilson-
    Yea, John Depoister Village of Birchwood-Yea Carried— 7-0
  6. Ambulance Service Report, See attached reports, Bill Zimmer made a motion to take from Amb. Capital funds from 2020 to offset the Ambulance Budget raise, 2nd by Jon Sleik, Jon Sleik Town of Birchwood-Nay, Tony Wolf Town of Cedar Lake-yea, Tim Stearns Town of Doyle-nay, Bill Zimmer Town of Edgewater-nay, Mick Givens Town of Long Lake-nay, Cindy Fairchild Town of Wilson-nay, John Depoister Village of Birchwood-nay — 6 nay-1 yea
    Tim Stearns made a motion to approve the Ambulance Service 2021 budget as presented, 2nd by Mick Givens, Jon Sleik Town of Birchwood-Yea, Tony Wolf Town of Cedar Lake-Yea, Tim Stearns Town of Doyle-Yea, Bill Zimmer Town of Edgewater-Yea, Mick Givens Town of Long Lake-Yea, Cindy Fairchild Town of Wilson-Yea, John Depoister Village of Birchwood-Yea Carried— 7-0
  7. Tim Stearns made a motion to approve donations of 1850.00 to Building Fund Brick Donation (1000.00, 700.00 and 150.00) that were received since the July 10, 2020, 2nd by John Depoister , Carried—7-0
  8. Bill Zimmer gave an update on the Building Committee meeting that was held July 30, 2020. See attached Report
  9. Report from BFCESD Bylaws Development Committee, Tim Stearns made a motion to adopt the updated bylaws as presented, 2nd by Mick Givens, after discussion was made of concerns some Towns/Villages weren’t ready to approve the Bylaws Tim Stearns withdrew his motion and made a motion to table until Sept meeting, 2nd by John Depoister
    Town of Birchwood-Jon Sleik-yea, Town of Cedar Lake-Tony Wolf-yea, Town of Doyle-Tim Stearns-yea, Town of Edgewater-Bill Zimmer-yea, Town of Long Lake-Mick Givens-nay, Town of Wilson-Cindy Fairchild-yea, Village of Birchwood-John Depoister-yea Yea- 6 nay- 1
  10. Discussion and action on investment change for the SAP program necessitated by sponsor change.
    Jon Sleik made the motion to accept the current penalty less $1300.00, 2nd by Tim Stearns. Jon Sleik Town of Birchwood-Yea, Tony Wolf Town of Cedar Lake-Yea, Tim Stearns Town of Doyle-Yea, Bill Zimmer Town of Edgewater-Yea, Mick Givens Town of Long Lake-Yea, Cindy Fairchild Town of Wilson-Yea, John Depoister Village of Birchwood-Yea Carried— 7-0
  11. Tim Stearns made a motion to Approve Bookkeepers report as
    presented, 2nd by Mick Givens , carried
    Tim Stearns made a motion to approve the bills as presented, 2
    Mick Givens, carried
  12. Review Correspondence, Kingdom Hall letter
  13. Commissioners Input by
    Jon Sleik—Town of Birchwood—It about time that Cedar Lake pays their pass due assessment dues for Fire and Ambulance Service, everyone else has to follow the rules that are stated in the current Bylaws of penalty (late fee) being applied to amount past due. Tony Wolf—Town of Cedar Lake—Question on status of website Tim Stearns—Town of Doyle—Concerned we just keep kicking the can down the road regarding the Bylaws and Building Project and it’s getting old.
    Bill Zimmer—Town of Edgewater—nothing
    Mick Givens—Town of Long Lake—asked that all downloadable
    documents/files from the new website be in PDF format to make it easy for people to get and copy.
    Cindy Fairchild—Town of Wilson—None
    John Depoister—Village of Birchwood—Sorry to bylaws on hold but his board was a tie because 1 person was sick. Very happy the progress the Building Committee is having and likes the idea of splitting it into 2 separate projects.
  14. Tim Stearns made a motion to Adjourn @ 8:35 pm, 2nd by Mick
    Givens, carried

The BFCESD Office is handicap accessible. If you have special needs regarding attendance please call
715 354 3003.

A quorum of board members from each municipality may be present. No actions will be taken by any participating governmental body other than those stated in this notice.

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