August 19, 2021
BFCESD PO Box 417, Birchwood, WI 54817
Rick Oswalt-Town of Birchwood–PRESENT, Mike Hessling-Town of Cedar Lake–PRESENT, Al Dirkes-Town of Doyle–PRESENT, Bill Zimmer-Town of Edgewater–PRESENT, Leroy Sandridge-Town of Long Lake–PRESENT, Cindy Fairchild-Town of Wilson–PRESENT, John Depoister-Village of Birchwood–PRESENT
Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services District will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, August 19, 2021 at 6:30 PM, at the BFCESD offices at 101 West Loomis Street, Suite B, Birchwood WI.
Approved On: 9/16/2021
- Pledge of Allegiance.
- Roll Call—SEE ABOVE
- Presentation of 2020 Audit
- Bill Zimmer made a motion to approve the July 15, 2021 Meeting Minutes with the corrections of Item # 11 to say (engage NWB by Fall), 2nd by Mike Hessling, Carried 7-0.
- Public Input—Linda Zillmer mentioned she got to see the new ambulance at the Birchwood Blue Gill Festival parade and was wondering if the unit is bigger than the other ambulance and concerns that it might not make it down driveway easily.
- Elect new President and any unfilled open positions
Cindy Fairchild nominated John Depoister for the position of President, 2nd by Mike Hessling, no other nominations received, Carried
Town of Birchwood—yea Town of Long Lake–yea
Town of Edgewater—yea Town of Wilson–yea
Town of Cedar Lake—yea
Town of Doyle— yeaJohn Depoister nominated Mike Hessling for the open position of Vice President, 2nd by Leroy Sandridge, no other nominations received, Carried
Village of Birchwood—yea Town of Long Lake–yea
Town of Edgewater—yea Town of Wilson–yea
Town of Cedar Lake—yea
Town of Doyle— yea - Appoint New Building Committee Chair
John Depoister made a motion to appoint Mike Hessling to Chair the Building Committee, 2nd by Rick Oswalt, Carried - Item tabled until we get all the facts on this. Request from Richard Stowe-Town of Birchwood to address item B on the BFCESD Bylaws regarding withdrawal of sections T38N R10 25-26 effective 12/31/2015
- Fire Department Report—See Attached report
- Bill Zimmer made a motion to approve the purchase of 24 new Motorola Minitor 6 pagers with chargers with funds coming out of the Pager Acct, Excessive 2% dues accts and if needed the Fire New Equipment Main Acct for a total expenditure of $9,960 plus freight, 2nd by Rick Oswalt, Carried 7-0
- Mike Hessling made amotion to approve the 2022 Fire Dept Budget as presented, 2nd by Bill Zimmer, Carried 7-0
- Ambulance Service Report—See Attached report.
- Mike Hessling made a motion to approve the Ambulance 2022 Budget as presented, 2nd by Bill Zimmer, Carried 7-0
- No meeting was held for the Fundraising Committee.
- No meeting was held for the Building Committee. Mike Hessling mentioned he’d like to set up meetings to be held the 1st Thurs of each month. Mike gave a Building Constructions Timeline sample spreadsheet to each commissioner to review. At the first meeting will set up the timeline if this looks ok.
- Leroy Sandridge made a motion to approve the donations that were received since the last meeting of $5,800.00 plus the $500 Brick Donations from The Gathering Place rec’d at the 8/19 meeting to the Building Fund Acct., 2nd by John Depoister, Carried 7-0
- John Depoister made a motion to approve Bookkeepers report as presented, 2nd by Bill Zimmer, Carried 7-0
- Rick Oswalt made a motion to approve the check #7826 to Two Rivers Accounting, 2nd by Al Dirkes, Carried 7-0
E-pay # 56-62 and Checks 7809-7825 were approved per email received from TOB, TOCL, TOD, TOLL, TOW, VOB commissioner’s rec’d on Aug 7 & 8 prior to the meeting in order to send out checks because of the late meeting date. - Review Correspondence—Letter from the Town of Edgewater withdrawal of letter dated 11/19/2020 of intent to discontinue BFCESD Ambulance service—See Attached. Letter from Richard Stowe that was address in item #8—See Attached.
- Commissioners Input.
Town of Birchwood-Rick Oswalt—Nothing
Town of Cedar Lake-Mike Hessling—Gave letter from Cedar Lake Board dated 7/22/2021 rescinding letter dated 2/11/2021 of intent to withdraw BFCESD Ambulance service—See Attached
Town of Doyle—Nothing
Town of Edgewater-Bill Zimmer— At the last Town of Edgewater meeting, the board and residence are on board with the new building. He’d like to get a copy of the old promissory note sent to each commissioner to be looked at by their board and if any changes are needed to start that process.
Town of Long Lake-Leroy Sandridge—Question on the property that the BFCESD has by the mill. Wants an agenda item for the next meeting to discuss what is going to be done with that.
Town of Wilson-Cindy Fairchild—Concerned about 2 statements in the Town of Cedar Lakes minutes. One is in item of the Annual meeting minutes which stated Birchwood has raised the hourly rate for the paramedics (S/B EMT’s) to $15 (S/b $10) per hour to help as it is very hard for Birchwood to maintain a full crew due to the wages, and the second was the meeting minutes from July 2021 that state Marshfield now supplies Doyle, Rice Lake, Oak Grove, Wilson plus the City of Rice Lake. Wilson s/b removed from that statement because they are covered by the BFCESD.
Village of Birchwood-John Depoister—Will try my best as President. Appreciates all the work on the Building Committee and hoping to meet the goal on the Fundraising soon. - Cindy Fairchild made a motion to adjourn @ 7:52 p.m., 2nd by Mike Hessling carried.
The BFCESD Office is handicap accessible. If you have special needs regarding attendance please call
715 354 3003.
A quorum of board members from each municipality may be present. No actions will be taken by any participating governmental body other than those stated in this notice.