BFCESD PO Box 417, Birchwood, WI 54817


Rick Oswalt-Town of Birchwood-PRESENT-ZOOM, Mike Hessling-Town of Cedar Lake-PRESENT, Al Dirkes-Town of Doyle-PRESENT, Scott Spaeth-Town of Edgewater-PRESENT, James Whitehead-Town of Long Lake-ABSENT, Cindy Fairchild-Town of Wilson-PRESENT, Dan Wichser–Village of Birchwood-PRESENT


Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services District will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, January 12, 2023 at 6:30 PM, 101 West Loomis Street, Suite B, Birchwood WI.



  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Roll Call-SEE ABOVE
  3. Scott Spaeth made a motion to approve the Dec 8, 2022 Meeting Minutes, 2nd by Dan Wichser,  Discussion was made by Mike Hessling for correction of his Commissioners Input wording in #16.  Al Dirkes made a motion to approve with the correction of the Dec 8, 2022 meeting minutes, 2nd by Dan Wichser, Carried 6-0
  4. Public Input—Linda Zillmer offered info if needed to Dan Wichser regarding #9 agenda item.  Sawyer Cty has a new Amb Service Director.
  5. Fire Department Report –See Attachments
  6. Ambulance Service Report—See Attachments
  7. BFCESD Auxiliary Report-Becki George gave update that the Dec 15 meeting was postponed until Jan 5.  Reviewed the meeting calendar and drafted a on call tree.  A few of the auxiliary members took food and hot drinks to the rescue on Dec 15 and a house fire on Dec 18/19. May 20 or the 21st is tentative date for the Jon Sleik Golf Tournament. Jan 21st meeting is planned at the BFCESD Office.              
  8. Building/ Fund Raising Committee report—Mike Hessling sent out reports from NWB on progress of the building.  Mike Hessling will ask NWB regarding Monarch paving bid update.
  9. Report from Dan Wichser on way to possibly recoup money from Fire Calls.  Discussion was made.  Mike Hessling made a motion for Dan Wichser continue to work on this and bring to the board next month. 2nd by Al Dirkes.  TOB-yes, TOCL-no,  TOD-yes, TOE-no, TOLL-absent, TOW-yes, VOB-yes.  Carried 4 yes-2 no.
  10. Long Term Capital Plan from Fire and Ambulance Department-will be added to next months agenda with a spreadsheet of condition, replacement cost, life span, current value of trucks etc.
  11. New Business
    TOB—nothing,   TOD—nothing,   TOE—nothing,   TOLL—absent,
    TOW—nothing,   VOB—nothing,   TOCL-nothing
  12. Dan Wichser made a motion to approve donations of $1100.00 that were received since the last meeting, 2nd by Al Dirkes, carried 6-0
  13. Dan Wichser made a motion to approve the Bookkeepers report, 2nd by Al Dirkes, carried 6-0
  14. Al Dirkes made a motion to Approve Bills as presented for payment,
    MAIN ACCT   E-Pay 172-180  CHECKS # 8342-8370
    2ND by Dan Wichser, carried 6-0
  15. Review Correspondence
    *** Letter from Dairy State Bank regarding renewal of collateralization to another of greater value.
    ***Letter from ELAN Cardmember Service KYC information needed.
  16. Commissioners Input
    TOB-Rick Oswalt—Nothing
    TOD-Al Dirkes—Importance of the new help for the Amb/Fire. His stepson is working in Hayward at the sheriff’s department and they are paying for him to go to the academy.
    TOE-Scott Spaeth—nothing
    TOLL-James Whitehead—absent
    TOW-Cindy Fairchild—can’t wait to see the walls going up in a couple weeks
    VOB-Dan Wichser—people asking about the building progress because of the lull in work.
    TOCL—Mike Hessling–nothing
  17. Dan Wichser made a motion to adjourn @ 8:10 p.m., 2nd by Scott Spaeth, carried 6-0

The BFCESD Office is handicap accessible. If you have special needs regarding attendance please call
715 354 3003.

A quorum of board members from each municipality may be present. No actions will be taken by any participating governmental body other than those stated in this notice.

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