JULY 15, 2021
BFCESD PO Box 417, Birchwood, WI 54817
Rick Oswalt-Town of Birchwood-PRESENT, Mike Hessling-Town of Cedar Lake-PRESENT, ABSENT-Town of Doyle-PRESENT, Bill Zimmer-Town of Edgewater-PRESENT, Richard Alvin-Town of Long Lake-PRESENT, Cindy Fairchild-Town of Wilson-PRESENT, John Depoister-Village of Birchwood-PRESENT
Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services District will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 6:30 PM, at the BFCESD offices at 101 West Loomis Street, Suite B, Birchwood WI.
Approved On: 8/19/2021
- Pledge of Allegiance.
- Roll Call—See Above
- Presentation of 2020 Audit Draft—Tabled until Aug 19, 2021 meeting
- Bill Zimmer Made a motion to approve June 10, 2021 Meeting Minutes, 2nd by Mike Hessling, carried.
- Public Input–None
- Election of officers for the BFCESD
Cindy Fairchild nominated John Depoister for position of President, John declined. No other nominations for President. Item was tabled until Aug meeting.Cindy Fairchild nominated John Depoister for position of Vice President, 2nd by Mike Hessling. Floor was closed no other nominations. Roll call vote 5 yea- 1 absent. Carried
Town of Birchwood-Rick Oswalt—yea, Town of Cedar Lake-Mike Hessling—yea,
Town of Doyle-Absent, Town of Edgewater-Bill Zimmer—yea, Town of Long Lake-Richard Alvin-yea, Town of Wilson-Cindy Fairchild-yeaJohn Depoister nominated Cindy Fairchild for position of Sec/Treas, 2nd by Mike Hessling. Roll call vote- 5 yea, 1 absent, Carried
Town of Birchwood-Rick Oswalt—yea, Town of Cedar Lake-Mike Hessling—yea,
Town of Doyle-Absent, Town of Edgewater-Bill Zimmer—yea, Town of Long Lake-Richard Alvin-yea, Village of Birchwood-John Depoister-yea - Fire Department Report. Present Preliminary 2022 Budget—See attached report
- John Depoister made a motion to approve Fire Department bid for new Vehicle Extrication Equipment for the amount of $24340.00 , 2nd by Rick Oswalt. carried.
- Ambulance Service Report. Present Preliminary 2022 Budget—See attached report
- Fundraising Committee report. No meeting
**Aug 29 is the set date for the Jon Sleik Memorial Golf Benefit for the BFCESD Building Fund being held at Cheers/Tagalong. - Building Committee meet and discussed history and brought Mike Hessling up to speed on this. If we raise enough money by summer to engage NWB by fall. He mentioned that due to his current health he’s stepping down from the Building Committee Chair, but will help when able.
- John Depoister made a motion to approve donations of $1510 to the Brick/Building Fund since the June 10 meeting, 2nd by Bill Zimmer, carried.
- Bill Zimmer made a motion to approve the Bookkeepers report as presented, 2nd by Rick Oswalt, carried
- Mike Hessling made a motion to approve Bills E-Pay #49-55 and checks #7790-7808 as presented for payment, 2nd by Bill Zimmer, carried
- Review Correspondence—None
- Commissioners Input.Town of Birchwood—Rick Oswalt-nothing
Town of Cedar Lake—Mike Hessling-thanked Bill Zimmer for the history of the building at the Building Committee meeting.
Town of Doyle–Absent
Town of Edgewater—Bill Zimmer-Mentioned at their last town board meeting they decided against withdrawing from the BFCESD Ambulance service and will be drafting up a letter stating that. His township residence are in support of the new building.
Town of Long Lake—Richard Alvin-nothing
Town of Wilson—Cindy Fairchild-nothing
Village of Birchwood—John Depoister-nothing - Cindy Fairchild made a motion to Adjourn @ 7:52 p.m., 2nd by Mike Hessling, Carried
The BFCESD Office is handicap accessible. If you have special needs regarding attendance please call
715 354 3003.
A quorum of board members from each municipality may be present. No actions will be taken by any participating governmental body other than those stated in this notice.