May 9, 2024
BFCESD PO Box 417, Birchwood, WI 54817
Rick Oswalt-Town of Birchwood, Mike Hessling-Town of Cedar Lake, Al Dirkes-Town of Doyle, Scott Spaeth-Town of Edgewater, Bob Moulette-Town of Long Lake, Cindy Fairchild-Town of Wilson DeWayne Reiten–Village of Birchwood
Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services District will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 6:30 PM, at the BFCESD Building, 280 Edenharter Rd, Birchwood WI.
APPROVED 6/13/2024
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll Call-See Above
- Bob Moulette made a motion to approve the April 11, 2024 Meeting Minutes, 2nd by DeWayne Reiten, carried 6-0
- Public Input-Linda Zilmer- At the April Washburn /Sawyer Cty Unit Towns Association meetings informed participants regarding the Act 12 MO requirements
- Fire Department Report SEE REPORT
- Ambulance Service Report SEE REPORT
- ***Update on ACT 12 Certification upcoming requirements for EMS/FIRE
- BFCESD Auxiliary Report SEE REPORT
- Building Maintenance report
Ken-Appt regarding lawn mowing, will get bid and Liability Ins coverage. Can rent equipment for cleaning up the remaining of brush on west side of building approx. $400. Would like to see a plaque to recognize firefighter with yrs. on the wall.
Vince-Gene M has the soffits on the back entryways. Got some cleaning of the brush done. Sam- permission to plant the hydrangea plant in planter that was gifted to the Amb Dept. - Long Term Capital Plan Update Jeremy discussed the new fire truck and different options on companies to build it.
- Table until June meeting -Discussion on Capital Campaign for new Ambulance
- New Business TOB-nothing TOD-nothing TOE-absent TOLL-nothing TOW-nothing VOB-nothing TOCL-nothing
- Al Dirkes made a motion to approve donations of $20 to the Friends of BFCESD that were received since the April 11 th meeting, 2nd by Rick Oswalt, carried 6-0
- DeWayne Reiten made a motion to approve Bookkeepers report as presented, 2nd by Bob Moulette, Carried 6-0
- Bob Moulette made a motion to approve Bills as presented for payment Main Acct E-pay # 275-281, CHECKS #8821-8838 + 8839 Stryker for $649.50, EMS CPR Acct- CHECK#1094, E-pay #4-24 to 5-24, EMS FAP ACCT E-pay 2-24 Friend of BFCESD Check #1095– $1000.00, #1096– $600.00 for golf tournament money bags. 2nd by Rick Oswalt, Carried 6-0
- Review Correspondence -League of Mutual Insurance Dividend payment $678.
- Commissioners Input-
TOB-Rick Oswalt-Nothing TOD-Al Dikes- Nothing TOE-Scott Spaeth-Absent TOLL-Bob Moulette -Nothing TOW-Cindy Fairchild Nothing VOB-DeWayne Reiten-Nothing TOCL-Mike Hessling -Attended the Annual Banquet for the Fire/EMS was really cool to see the recognition of Stan L 50th year awards. - Al Dirkes made a motion to adjourn @ 7:45 p.m., 2nd by DeWayne Reiten, Carried 6-0
The BFCESD Office is handicap accessible. If you have special needs regarding attendance please call
715 354 3003.
A quorum of board members from each municipality may be present. No actions will be taken by any participating governmental body other than those stated in this notice.