September 16, 2021
BFCESD PO Box 417, Birchwood, WI 54817
Richard Stowe-Town of Birchwood-PRESENT, Mike Hessling-Town of Cedar Lake-PRESENT, Al Dirkes-Town of Doyle-PRESENT, Bill Zimmer-Town of Edgewater-ABSENT, Leroy Sandridge-Town of Long Lake-PRESENT, Cindy Fairchild-Town of Wilson-PRESENT, John Depoister-Village of Birchwood-PRESENT
Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services District will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, September 16, 2021 at 6:30 PM, BFCESD offices at 101 West Loomis Street, Suite B, Birchwood WI.
Approved on: 10/14/2021
- Pledge of Allegiance.
- Roll Call-See above
- Mike Hessling made a motion to approve Aug 19, 2021 Meeting Minutes, 2nd by Al Dirkes, Carried6-0
- Public Input- Linda Zilmer- on item #6 is need answers she’d be happy to help.
- The BFCESD Bylaws will be updated with the removal of the statement in Item B
Regarding the Request from Richard Stowe-Town of Birchwood item B on the BFCESD Bylaws regarding withdrawal of sections T38N R10 25-36 effective 12/31/2015. - Discuss was made what is being done with the property east of the Mill that the BFCESD owns.John Depoister will check with Mark Erickson if the listing is still active.John will get a list of what can be put on the property.
- Cindy Fairchild made a motion to appoint Commissioner Al Dirkes to be on the Dairy State Bank accounts as the non-signer to replace Tim Stearns, 2nd by John Depoister, Carried 6-0
- Fire Department Report-See attached report
- Discussion on water usage at the Fire Hall and for Fire’s.Linda Zilmer mentioned that the water usage was included in the rent of the fire hall.Ken will put together the total usage of water for the last 4-5 years.Ken will also turn in water usage monthly to the Village.
- Ambulance Service Report-See attached reportVince would like the FAP money be put into the Capital Accts as a separate acct to track spending.This money is audited by the State occasionally and what isn’t spent each year can accumulate for bigger equipment and training purposes.
- Fundraising Committee report—John mentioned that they have been out doing some contacts with people.Tim Stearns has talked to one person which is very promising.John has approached a family about donating monies and will be talking to Mosaic.Ken has talked to Darley, they are purchasing a $1000.00 Brick.Ken also talked to Masonite and they will be talking to Corporate regarding a donation.The Gathering Place gave a $301.00 donation from tips.
- Building Committee report-Mike Hessling said that Sept 2 meeting they updated the schedule and will have a meeting hopefully Sept 22 to meet with Chris.Asked to have the assessments for the building sent out because of budgets coming up.
- Item tabled till Oct meeting, will check with Spectrum Ins to see if they have any coverages available. Will contact Mike at Dairy state to see what was discussed with John Sleik.
- John Depoister made a motion to Approve donations that were received since the last meeting of $11,566.00– $13,157.00 from the Jon Sleik Golf Tournament of minus $2892.00 that was transferred to the Main Checking to pay Tagalong for Golf fee and cart.$1000,00 for Items that have been sold that were Property Expense purchases.$301.00 Tip money from the Gathering Place2nd by Mike Hessling , Carried- 6-0
- John Depoister made a motion to approve the Bookkeepers report as presented, 2nd by Mike Hessling, Carried 6-0
- Mike Hessling made a motion to approve Bills as presented for payment since Sept 8th,Check’s # 7868-7869, 2nd by Al Dirkes, Checks7827-7867 and E-pay # 63-69 were approved by email, Carried 6-0
- Review Correspondence-Emails from Victor Drost and Bill Zimmer—See attached
- Commissioners Input
Town of Birchwood-Richard Stowe—Nothing
Town of Cedar Lake-Mike Hessling—Provided correction to his board regarding minutes that were incorrectly stated.
Town of Doyle—Nothing
Town of Edgewater—Absent
Town of Long Lake—Nothing
Town of Wilson-Cindy Fairchild–Nothing
Village of Birchwood-John Depoister—Wanted to thank everyone that helped at the Jon Sleik Memorial Golf Building Fund Benefit.It was a beautiful day and there was a lot of exposure to the community. - Mike Hessling made a motion to adjourn @ 7:30 p.m., 2nd by Richard Stowe, Carried 6-0
The BFCESD Office is handicap accessible. If you have special needs regarding attendance please call
715 354 3003.
A quorum of board members from each municipality may be present. No actions will be taken by any participating governmental body other than those stated in this notice.