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2025 BFCESD Jon Sleik Memorial Golf Tournament

2025 golf outing 2-6-25

Golf Registration

Golf Donation info

  • To print & mail your golf registration and/or sponsor a hole: click here
  • Click here to register online (both team registration and sponsorship)
  1. Hole Sponsors. There are two tiers for this donation.
    1. As a sponsor, you can provide us with an       8 ½” x 11” logo of your choice, that will be prominently displayed on a hole sign. 
    2. A donation of $250 will give only your company recognition of sponsorship on a hole sign.  
    3. A donation of  $150, will give your company recognition on a shared hole sign.
    4. Please see the online registration form at:
  2. Items for hole prizes, silent auction and raffle.  
    1. Your company name will be listed as a donor, announced and displayed during the tournament day,
    2. Gift certificates from your business support our fundraising event and helps our participants support  your business in return.
    3.  Cash donations to the BFCESD are always accepted and appreciated!  See the online site at
  3. Sponsor a Team.  
    1. $400 per four-person team.  
    2. Each team member receives a gift bag & lunch at the turn.  
    3. The tournament is limited to 26 teams.  Sign up deadline is April 30, 2025.
    4. Please see the online registration form at:

FAQ - Ambulance Replacement fundraising

Why are we fundraising for a new ambulance?

Our ambulance service is replacing a 1999 E-350 Road Rescue ambulance with a 2026 Braun F-550. While this is a budgeted expense, past financial challenges left our capital fund underfunded. We are currently in a transition period toward a more self-sufficient future, where ambulances will be replaced on schedule, similar to the replacement goals of our fire department. However, to avoid dramatically increasing tax dollars, we are seeking community support to help cover the remaining balance.

Is this a result of financial mismanagement?

In past years, our EMS department did not allocate enough funds to our capital replacement account. This was not due to misuse but rather a lack of effective long-term financial planning. We have taken corrective steps to ensure future ambulance replacements are fully funded without needing additional fundraising efforts

How much money do you still need to raise?

We are working to bridge the remaining gap between our allocated budget and the final cost of the new ambulance. Updates on necessary funding needs will be provided regularly on our Facebook account and at our district meetings. Agendas will be released to this website in a timely manner for public review. 

Will my donation directly fund the new ambulance?

Yes! All funds raised will go directly toward the ambulance replacement. Your support ensures we maintain 24/7 emergency medical services with reliable equipment.

How will you prevent this issue in the future?

Moving forward, our financial plan includes:

  • Regular contributions to a capital replacement fund
  • Long-term budgeting strategies
  • Ensuring each ambulance is replaced on a set schedule without reliance on fundraising

How can I donate?

We appreciate any support! You can donate by:

  • Mailing a check addressed to: BFCESD, 280 Edenharter Road, Birchwood, WI 54817. The memo line should include, “attn: new ambulance replacement.”
  • Using our Paypal link, selecting “New Ambulance Truck Campaign” in the drop-down menu:
  • In person, at Dairy State Bank in Birchwood. We have an account created to accept public donations towards the purchase of a new ambulance.
  • In person, at any one of our events, such as our annual Golf Tournament in May, our Emergency Services Night out in late Summer, or any number of other public opportunities that you might see us “out and about!”


What happens if you raise more than your goal?

Any extra funds will remain in our capital replacement account for future ambulance needs, ensuring long-term sustainability.

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