BFCESD PO Box 417, Birchwood, WI 54817


Rick Oswalt-Town of Birchwood-PRESENT, Mike Hessling-Town of Cedar Lake-PRESENT,  Al Dirkes-Town of Doyle-PRESENT, Scott Spaeth-Town of Edgewater-PRESENT, __________-Town of Long Lake-Absent, Cindy Fairchild-Town of Wilson-PRESENT ­­­­­Dan Wichser–Village of Birchwood-ABSENT


Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services District will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 6:30 PM, BFCESD offices at 101 West Loomis Street, Suite B, Birchwood WI.

May 11, 2022

BFCESD Meeting Minutes April 13, 2023  (approved May 11, 2023)

  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Moment of Silence for the 2 Barron Cty Officers that died in the line of duty.
  3. Roll Call-See Above
  4. Scott Spaeth made a motion to approve March 9, 2023 Meeting Minutes, 2nd by Al Dirkes, carried 5-0
  5. Public Input—Linda Zilmer concerned about construction activity on E & W sides of the lot lines regarding dirt piled on top of snow.
  6. Fire Department Report -See attached report
  7. Ambulance Service Report-See attached report
  8. BFCESD Auxiliary Report-Jon Sleik Golf Tournament is on track getting a lot of teams, hole sponsors and a lot of items donated for the raffle.
  9. Building/ Fund Raising Committee report-See attached reports. Discussion on when to have open house once the building is completed.
  10. Mike Hessling motion to drop the item regarding the possibilities to recoup money from Fire Calls, 2nd by Rick Oswalt, TOB-Yes, TOD-Yes, TOE-Yes, TOW-Yes, TOCL-Yes, carried 5-0
  11. Long Term Capital Plan for Fire and Ambulance Department, Mike presented spread sheet with long term capital plan. This will be put on May 2023’s agenda.
  12. Added to May 2023 agenda Discussion on EMS covered area that have to pay for service other than BFCESD.
  13. Tabled and put onto May 2023 agenda. Discuss creating Building use Policy
  14. New Business

TOB—nothing,  TOD—nothing,  TOE—nothing, TOLL—absent, TOW—nothing,

TOCL—nothing,  VOB-Absent

  1. Al Dirkes made a motion to approve donations that were received since the last meeting of $10,100.00$ Jon Sleik Tournament hole/team sponsors and a donation to the Tournament, 2nd by Scott Spaeth, Carried 5-0
  2. Al Dirkes made a motion to approve Bookkeepers report as presented, 2nd by Rick Oswalt, carried 5-0
  3. Al Dirkes made a motion to approve Bills as presented for payment as follows

Main Acct  e-pay # 194-201, Main Acct check #8451-8474,

Building Fund Acct Epay #7, Building Fund Acct Checks #1022-1024,  2nd by Scott Spaeth, 5-0

  1. Review Correspondence Spam email on Norton renewal and a PayPal bitcoin payment, both not legit.
  2. Commissioners Input

Town of Birchwood-Rick Oswalt—Nothing

Town of Doyle-Al Dirkes—Nothing

Town of Edgewater-Scott Spaeth—Nothing

Town of Long Lake-Absent

Town of Wilson-Cindy Fairchild—Excited of the progress of the May 21 Golf Tournament, coming together faster than we thought.  Impressed on the progress on the new building.

Town of Cedar Lake-Mike Hessling—Reminder per bylaws that President, Vice President and Sec/Treas positions will be voted on.

  1. Scott Spaeth made a motion to adjourn @ 8:35 p.m., 2nd by Rick Oswalt, carried 5-0

The BFCESD Office is handicap accessible. If you have special needs regarding attendance please call
715 354 3003.

A quorum of board members from each municipality may be present. No actions will be taken by any participating governmental body other than those stated in this notice.

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