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BFCESD PO Box 417, Birchwood, WI 54817


Rick Oswalt-Town of Birchwood-Present, Mike Hessling-Town of Cedar Lake-Present,

Al Dirkes-Town of Doyle-Present, Pete Baribeau-Town of Edgewater-ABSENT,

James Whitehead-Town of Long Lake-Present, Cindy Fairchild-Town of Wilson-Present

­­­­­Dan Wichser–Village of Birchwood-Joined late


Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services District will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, June 9, 2022 at 6:30 PM, BFCESD offices at 101 West Loomis Street, Suite B, Birchwood WI.

July 14, 2022

  1. Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Roll Call. Scott Spaeth will be representing the Town of Edgewater for Pete Baribeau until the October BFCESD meeting.
  3. Al Dirkes made a motion to approve May 12, 2022 Meeting Minutes with the correction to say minutes instead of agenda, 2nd by James Whitehead, Carried 5-0  
  4. Public Input. None
  5. Fire Department Report. See Attached
  6. Ambulance Service Report. Cost of New grill guard for 120 installed approx.. $2500. Will discuss hovercraft that was donated, cost to upgrade and which budget it should be in (ambulance vs fire) at the July BFCESD monthly meeting. See Attached
  7. James Whitehead made a motion to approve the rent agreement for the Office @ 101 Loomis Ave. Suite B for 1 yr. @ $620.00 starting July 1, 2022 , 2nd by Al Dirkes , Carried 6-0. Cindy will ask if they will do a month to month rent on the office if the new hall isn’t completed by June 2023.
  8. Update on BFCESD Auxiliary Committee Deanna Hessling will be reaching out to potential participants to help with the committee. She will be setting up a time to meet and go over some items of setting up the committee.
  9. Review BFCESD Contact List and Sub Committee Assignments-no changes to list.
  1. Cindy Fairchild made a motion to combine fundraising committee with building committee to be the Building/Fundraising Committee, 2nd by Rick Oswalt, Carried 6-0
    1. Fund Raising Committee Report. Didn’t meet this last month, not a lot to report. Hopefully able to schedule the 2nd Annual Jon Sleik Golf outing in Sept. will discuss different options of where to have it. Mike H, Dan W, Ken G, Cindy F & Vince F met at Barron Elect on June 3rd for photo of donation check we rec’d.
    2. Building Committee report. Mike H thanked everyone for supporting the ground breaking ceremony that was held May 21, 2022. Will be signing the construction management contract with NWB on June 16th.  Talked to Chris from NWB and he’s ½ way thru getting the package ready to send out for bidding.  On June 16th 6:30 via zoom Chris will met with us for Q & A.
    3. Updated Bylaws review. Rick Oswalt made a motion to amend the description of item #3 in item #4 as follows: Town of Birchwood Fire and Ambulance Service correction #3 Amendment 3) above to: Sections 25 through 36 of T38N R10W and Sections 1 through 36 of T37NR10W except the area covered by the Village of Birchwood.  Updated disillusion percentages in 16.d) to account for correction of Amendment 3 above. Added numeration to amendments for clarity, 2nd by James Whitehead, roll call vote. 6-0

TOB-Yes   TOCL-Yes   TOD-Yes  TOE-absent  TOLL-Yes  TOW-Yes  VOB-Yes

  1. Rick Oswalt made a motion to approve donations that were received since May 12,2022 in the amount of $13,310.00 , 2nd by Al Dirkes, Carried 6-0
  2. James Whitehead made a motion to approve the Bookkeepers report, 2nd by Al Dirkes, Carried 6-0
  3. James Whitehead made a motion to approve Bills as presented for payment ck #8105-8145 & Epay 128-134 from Main Acct and ck#1003-1004 & Epay #3 from Building fund acct, 2nd by Al Dirkes, Carried 6-0
  4. Review Correspondence. Audit engagement Letter from Two Rivers Accounting, Village of Birchwood address for new Hall,  #280 was selected.
  5. Commissioners Input.

**Town of Birchwood-Rick Oswalt—Nothing

**Town of Doyle-Al Dirkes—People around the township glad to see things moving along.

**Town of Edgewater-Pete Baribeau—Absent

**Town of Long Lake-James Whitehead—Hoping that he can talk to Steve Wurzer about golf outing at Cheers at the next town board meeting.

**Town of Wilson-Cindy Fairchild—was very impressed with the great turnout at the groundbreaking ceremony

**Village of Birchwood-Dan Wichser—Village board meeting is being held on next Monday not Tues this month

**Town of Cedar Lake-Mike Hessling—rec’d a text from a member of the St Paul/MN Foundation regarding a $10,000.00 donation.

  1. Al Dirkes made a motion to adjourn@ 8:10 p.m., 2nd by Rick Oswalt, Carried

The BFCESD Office is handicap accessible. If you have special needs regarding attendance please call
715 354 3003.

A quorum of board members from each municipality may be present. No actions will be taken by any participating governmental body other than those stated in this notice.

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