November 14, 2024
BFCESD PO Box 417, Birchwood, WI 54817
Rick Oswalt-Town of Birchwood-Present, Don Brunclik-Town of Cedar Lake-Present, Al Dirkes-Town of Doyle-Present, Scott Spaeth-Town of Edgewater-Absent, Bob Moulette-Town of Long Lake-Present, Cindy Fairchild-Town of Wilson-Present, DeWayne Reiten–Village of Birchwood-Present
Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services District will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 6:30 PM, at the BFCESD Building, 280 Edenharter Rd, Birchwood WI.
Approved On: 12-12-2024
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll Call-See Above
- DeWayne R made a motion to approve Oct 10, 2024 Meeting Minutes with Item #17
addition to include check #8984-9881 (Amb Payroll), 2nd by Don B , Carried 6-0 - Public Input—Linda Z, thanked our providers for what they do. Mentioned Support thru DOR Innovation Grants Evaluation for analysis was sent to each Township.
- Fire Department Report-See Report
- DeWayne R made a motion to approve the purchase of Fire Dept Jet Nozzle for
$7,500.00 to be included in purchase of the New Fire Truck, 2nd by Bob M, Carried 6-0 - Ambulance Service Report-See Report
7.5. Friends of the BFCESD Report- next meeting will be Nov 11 to judge the Fire
Prevention Posters we rec’d back from the Birchwood School. - Discussion was made on address difference in Ambulance coverage areas on BFCESD
Bylaws vs Barron Counties Dispatch mapping coverage areas, tabled until Dec 12
meeting to update Bylaws #3 b. - BuildingMaintenancereport—
Ken–Last month the building was sprayed for bug control Snowplowing contract is the same as last year.
Wisconsin Flag has been ordered by Cindy - Long Term Capital Plan Update- No change
- Updates on Capital Campaign for new Ambulance-
Email approval was made by separate approvals from each Commissioner, to set up 2 Separate Accts at Dairy State Bank for the Ambulance Campaign Fund and one for the Ambulance Tracks Fund to be used until the items are purchased. Sam and Jeremy are working on updating the website and getting posters ready for the Amb Campaign - New Business- TOB—nothing, TOCL—nothing, TOD—nothing, TOE—absent, TOLL—nothing, TOW—nothing, VOB—nothing
- Bob M made a motion to Approve donations that were received since the last meeting $500.00 to Amb Campaign Fund, $100.00 to Amb Tracks Fund that were rec’d since the Oct 10th meeting, 2nd by Don B, Carried 6-0
- Don B made a motion to approve Bookkeepers report as presented, 2nd by DeWayne R, Carried 6-0
- Bob M made a motion to approve Bills as presented for payment,
MAIN Acct- E-Pay #’s 320 to 328, CHECK #9003-9022, CPR Acct— E-Pay #8-24, CHECK #1108
FIRE CAPITAL Acct- Transfers to Main Acct E-Pay #4-24 & 5-24, 2nd by Don B, Carried 6-0 - Review Correspondence—None
- Commissioners Input-
TOB—Nothing, TOCL—Nothing,
TOD—Condolenses to Ken G & Family in the Loss of his father.
TOE—Absent, TOLL—Would like to see cards and letters we receive displayed somehow.
TOW—Nothing, VOB—Nothing
Becki mentioned that Wed Nov 13th there would be Cake for the Fire Chief’s Birthday - DeWayne R made a motion to Adjourn @ 7:13 p.m., 2nd by Don B, Carried 6-0
The BFCESD Office is handicap accessible. If you have special needs regarding attendance please call
715 354 3003.
A quorum of board members from each municipality may be present. No actions will be taken by any participating governmental body other than those stated in this notice.