6. Powers of the Joint Board of Commissioners
The Joint Board shall have the exclusive power to transact the business and affairs of the District These powers include, without limitation, the power to purchase and dispose of the property of the District and to employ, suspend or terminate the District employees. The Joint Board shall have the power to authorize the President and Secretaryffreasurer to borrow money and execute all necessary documents on such terms as the Joint Board may direct.
The Joint Board shall adopt By-Laws for both the fire protection division and the ambulance division. Until other By-Laws are adopted, the existing By-Laws of the Birchwood Fire Department and the Birchwood Ambulance Service are hereby adopted except to the extent inconsistent with this agreement. The ByLaws shall provide for regular and special meeting of the Joint Board of Commissioners; until any other provision is adopted by the By-Laws, the Joint Board shall hold regular monthly meetings and special meetings at the call of the President All meetings, including notices thereof, shall comply with the Wisconsin Open Meeting Law, Chapter 19, Sub-Chapter V. Wisconsin Statutes, as the same may be amended from time to time.
The Joint Board shall maintain Ultimate control and be responsible for the operation of the District. However, it is deemed essential to the operation of this District that the Joint Board will rely heavily upon the Judgment and advice of the fire chief, in all matters germane to the technical requirements of the fire protection service, and the ambulance director in all matters germane to the technical requirements of the ambulance service.